This raises the terrifying possibility that there might exist somewhere, some guy who might be able to trick me into becoming a Christian; however, I take solace in the idea that this guy might be The Devil himself. This Devil fellow is supposed to be the greatest trickster of them all, and what greater trick than to create a whole sham religion and present it as benevolent force of good, when in fact it worships a vindictive tyrant who (supposedly) condemns dissenters to eternal suffering.
In the invention of Christianity, it was inevitable that The Devil, as a trickster, would ironically include in the mythology a trickster devil character; it's sort of like how Matt Groening always hides his initials in his drawings, or how Alfred Hitchcock always makes a cameo, but it's also a clever way of "demonizing" the actual forces of good, which doubles as a hilarious prank on the gullible followers. Just to show how stupid these people are, he would brazenly call the great deceiver Lucifer, which is Latin for "Bringer of Light", and say he supposedly tricked some broad into eating from the "Tree of Knowledge". The Devil would tell people that this light-bringing, knowledge-spreading guy (who tried to dissent from the doctrine of "God") was actually a huge liar, so, like, don't listen to him or you'll go to Hell.
Just something to think about while Mike Huckabee is talking about the evils of "enlightened thinking" and the dangers of science.
Why does this guy so often have such a fiendish look in his eyes?
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