Tea Partiers hate a double standard, they're ruled by the fear that someone out there is getting a better deal than them; in their minds, the chief exploiters include the following:
- Jobless people getting unemployment benefits.
- Poor people getting free health care.
- Black people getting to say the n-word.
- Young people getting all that premarital sex.
Survey released April 14, 2010, conducted by The NYTimes/CBS News.
What they're really worried about is what other people are paying - they're scared to death that poor people are getting a free ride. The original Boston Tea Party protested against Kings and Queens and "Taxation Without Representation"; the new Tea Party protests against Welfare Queens and "Representation Without Taxation": "The real issue is that millions of Americans no longer have any skin in the game and are becoming inoculated from the basic cost of government. To them, government seems free and politicians can easily convince them to support more and more spending because someone else is going to pay the tab", Scott Hodge, Tax Foundation.
On one hand, you have to admit Scott Hodge is partially right, that government spending will, in some way, have to be reigned in; on the other, the Tea Partiers fully support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, despite this fact: "the cost of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq thus far roughly equals the projected cost of the first decade of Obama’s health-care program".
You also have to concede that the Tea Partiers' fear of being taken advantage of is well-founded - they're smart enough to have a vague sense that they're being exploited, but too stupid to figure out who's actually doing it. This is sort of like remembering that there's a saying about being fooled, but then being too addled to actually remember how it goes:
Its inevitable that this group is going to get bamboozled, they're just too stupid and too gullible to avoid it; unfortunately, they're so dumb they think the masterminds pulling all the strings in this country are the poor. Of course, you already know that the actual exploiters are the rich, who continue to convince these idiots to vote against their own self-interest - take a look at this item from the Tea Party's official Contract From America: "4. Enact Fundamental Tax Reform - Adopt a simple and fair single-rate tax system by scrapping the internal revenue code and replacing it with one that is no longer than 4,543 words-the length of the original Constitution."
That's right, they want a flat tax, perhaps expressed in haiku-form. Given that only 18% of Tea Partiers self-identify as upper-middle or upper-class, you have to assume that a flat tax would necessitate a tax-hike for most of the Tea Party (if the country is going to cut its deficit, as the Tea Party demands).
Joe The "Plumber" championed the rights of the oppressed $250,000+ tax bracket; in 2006, he made $40,000.
Maybe these morons are OK with being taken advantage of, but only if its by nice, white, rich people. That would also explain why, for so much of history (including up until the Boston Tea Party), peasants put up with the tyranny of Kings and Queens.
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