Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thank Me Later

Some people think we're in a Golden Age of TV, music, podcasting, and reading material.  Theres a ton of great stuff out there and its all free for the taking, but gold lasts forever and this era will not.  This era is more like a gold rush and if we're not careful, soon we will be living in a ghost town!

Because of the internet, its becoming harder and harder to monetize the work being done by musicians and writers.  After awhile, potential artists will become discouraged and choose more "respectable", high-paying careers as doctors, lawyers and businessmen.  When art is free, making art becomes an act of altruism, and if society needs heroes its because they're in short supply, in as short a supply as gold after there's no more gold left in the ghost town.

In the past and the present, heroes like soldiers, firemen, and everyday joes have gone above and beyond for the greater good. Society just can't pay these heroes enough for all the sacrifices they make.  Because of the nature of the heroism, there's no way to have an agreed-upon payment beforehand, so in the moment of crisis, the hero commits the good deed because he has faith in the goodness of humanity.

In return, society gives them their reward in the form of adoration, with the folk dropping to their knees in gratitude.  That's why we pin medals on the heroes' chests, so the women will know who's cock to suck.  A true hero has so much trust in humanity that he'll refuse taking any money, this is a classy way of saying "Don't worry about it, maybe someday you can pay me back in blowjobs."

Society needs to stop glorifying doctors, lawyers, and businessmen.  These men are not altruists; they're already being compensated enough financially.  Instead we must change the cultural climate.  We must encourage our women to redouble their efforts by giving more and better blowjobs to musicians, writers, and podcasters.

I say this as a public service, I'm not trying to make any money off this shit.

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