Sunday, April 25, 2010


Have you noticed how many of these NBA players have mustaches?  I hadn't, not for a while anyway.

 Chris Paul and mustache.

These black guys have been growing these things right under their noses, without us even realizing it; they're so subtle and tasteful as to be almost subliminal.

 Carmelo Anthony's mustache is like a woman's eye liner, where the aesthetic effect is greatest when  understated. 

Meanwhile, when a white guy does it, its so obvious and unsightly that he has to make a joke out of it, or he risks making a joke of himself.  The coolest white guy in the world is probably Brad Pitt, a guy who could probably sell his body odor to a mass market, but even he couldn't pull off the mustache. 

At least he can say he grew this thing to play a cartoon character.

I guess you can add this to the list of dancing, dunking, and wearing (non-baseball) hats; these are all things that black guys can do with style, but when a white guy tries, it just looks ridiculous.

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