Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Those Who Ain't Get It Ain't Supposed To

In this NYTimes article, Patricia Cohen discusses "epistemic closure", the meaning of which is impossible to know unless you're actually willing to learn - which is probably the whole point.  The phrase is used to describe anti-intellectual closed-mindedness, and its an old philosophy term, recently appropriated by right-wing think tanker Julian Sanchez to describe the now-prevailing mind-state among conservatives.  Sanchez and other conservative intellectuals are becoming increasingly concerned about this pro-ignorance way of thinking, as its finally becoming a losing position.

The people who are most closed-minded are the precise people who'd hear the words "epistemic closure" and immediately tune out, probably while muttering something about "pansy-ass academics, their $50-words, and their egg-head theories".  These ignoramuses think they already have all the answers, and that anything they haven't heard of before, or don't already understand (like global warming), must be bullshit.  They take it as a personal insult anytime someone exposes them to a new idea because it makes them feel inferior.

The obscurity of the term "epistemic closure" acts as a gatekeeper to exclude these idiots from the discussion, allowing Sanchez to talk shit about them without their realizing it.  Ultimately, he'll need to reach these morons, to change their ways, but right now, they aren't ready to have that discussion.  In the mean-time, him and his think-tank cohorts can huddle up and strategize behind the closed doors of academic jargon; that's always been their modus operandi, to ruminate in private, then repackage those thoughts into a format consummable by the gullible public (re: propaganda).

This privacy was necessary so that the rubes wouldn't find out they've been voting against their own self-interest.  The conservative public has been spoon-fed anti-intellectual junk-food for so long, that they're no longer receptive to ideas that have value.  These think-tank assholes are going to have to have their work cut out for them.

"Those who ain't get it ain't supposed to." - MF DOOM

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