Friday, January 29, 2010

The Marriage of Feminism and Misogyny

Its been in the news lately that more and more women are outearning their male counterparts.  Pundits are worried about what this means for the future of marriage; many men will not accept a woman who makes more money, but it doesn't have to be that way.

Did Pew Research really intend for this graph to look like a set of (fake) tits?

The paragon of feminism is a career woman who outearns her husband.  The paragon of misogyny is a motherfuckin' pimp.  These two archetypes aren't in conflict, in fact they're the perfect fit.

A pimp is an extreme version of the male housewife.  A pimp does not work for a living, a pimp stays home while the woman goes out and gets that money.  A pimp's job is to maintain his appearance, to stay in the freshest outfits and to keep himself in immaculate condition.  A pimp's appearance is the foundation of the woman's self confidence.

But a pimp must also provide emotional security.  The woman's job is extremely demanding; if she can't rely on him for support, she'll carry those burdens from one day to the next, and as those burdens mount, it compromises her abilities as an earner.

 You can stand under my umbrella.

In order to reconcile the changes wrought by feminism with the traditions of masculinity, the modern career-woman must encourage her man to embrace the role of a pimp. Its the ideal marriage, two opposites that compliment each other to perfection.

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