Monday, May 10, 2010

Outing Steve Nash

He's been living a lie for too long, its time to out Steve Nash - as a man who's secretly gray.  Not that there's anything wrong with it, after all, it isn't exactly a choice.  But as a gray man myself, what offends me is his hypocrisy and the fact that he's trying to hide it.

He spent so many years cultivating an image as a blue-blooded Canadian male, a masculine man with traditional values, a rugged guy who could care less what his fucking hair looks like; he rode this image to success at the ballot box, winning two MVP awards.  Now all of a sudden, he's fagging it up at the salon, getting dye jobs with Demi Moore.

What's my evidence?  I don't need proof, a gray man can just tell.  But if you look closely in these NBA Cares commercials, his mane is strangely uniform in color, and it seems to be unnaturally stiff, like its been treated with harsh chemicals.  And if you catch him in the right lighting, you'll see little clear Favre-like specks on his chin, which may be signs of greying whiskers. 

Another giveaway is his smarminess, a surefire sign that he's hiding something.

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